Wednesday, May 18, 2011

End of year movement

I haven't technically been here a year. But the end of this school year means massive changes to the music rooms. 
For several years now the "Choir room" has been used as storage and office space, because one teacher taught all the music classes in the band room. Next fall, with band and choir separate we cannot use the same room. Plus there is to be some re-carpeting and painting in the band room this summer. My students and I have logged many hours cleaning and moving out everything so that they can re-carpet and paint. When the carpet is done they will install my Wegner sheet music storage unit, build me a bunch more shelving units, and then i will do instrument inventory and sheet music inventory as I move it all back into the band room. I really have my work cut out for me this summer.

This is the band room right now. There are a few personal instruments to be taken home today.
There are also a few items which will be taken to the trash and a nice cabinet 
that will be sold at a school surplus auction next week. I pulled the screen down to hide the HIDEOUS white board, which is being replaced this summer also. In addition they're building me some more shelving units like the ones seen because the program is growing.

This is now the Northwest corner of the choir room. Stacked in that pile are 8 horns, 7 trombones,
11 trumpets, 5 alto saxes, 1 tenor sax, 2 bari saxes, 5 baritones, 3 tubas, lots of drums, and a Piano.
I tried to stack it out of the way as much as possible. 
But the poor choir teacher has me invading her space. 

The Southwest corner of the choir room. Containing marching snares, and trumpets, clarinets, 
bass clarinets, lots of drum stands. The robes and uniforms have been taken to the cleaners.
The filing cabinets will be replaced by the Wegner Music Storage units which are in 
the gigantic cardboard boxes. The only thing in this picture staying in the choir room
for next year is the overhead projector.

For now all I have left to do is move 67 music stands and 54 chairs into the choir room, move the surplus to the bus barn for auction, and throw away the broken stuff. 
Hopefully I can get it all back together before the July 12th band camp. Ugh. 

1 comment:

  1. Marcus, this is great! I'm sure you make such a fantastic, engaging teacher. You remind me of my HS band director, Mr. Goddard! He did an amazing job at recruiting and retention as well, so I know you can do it! (And when you're done, please come and apply those tactics to my Young Womens!).
